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  • Writer's pictureexperimentalchef

Deep-Fried Korean Rice Cake Skewers [AIR-FRYER]

Updated: Sep 29, 2018

The finished product!

This is a deep-fried Korean rice cake dish that I've tried at Korean restaurants and it's apparently a popular street food in Korea.

I've seen many recipes online, but none for cooking with an air-fryer which I find much more convenient. This is the result of my experimentations for friends out there who also have air-fryers! A large part of my recipe is adapted from My Korean Kitchen so props to her!

Time: I honestly don't know (was experimenting lots) - sorry!

Servings (v. rough estimates):

- Snack: 7 people

- To not be hungry: 3-4 people


- 1 pack of fresh Korean rice cakes (Tteok-bokki) - frozen ones are okay too, but cook them a little longer in step 3

- sesame seeds for garnish

- sesame oil

- skewer sticks


- 3 tablespoons of ketchup

- 2 tablespoons of Korean chili paste (gochujang) - should be at any Asian supermarket

- 2.5 tablespoons of honey

- 1 tablespoon of soy sauce

- 2 teaspoons of brown sugar

- 2 teaspoons of sesame oil

- 1 finely minced garlic clove (more or less depending on if you like garlic)


1. Boil water in a large pot

2. Combine all the sauce ingredients in a small pot

3. Cook the rice cakes quickly in the boiling water (~10 seconds) then take them out and run cold water over them. They should feel just a little soft. For me, it was easier to cook ~12 rice cakes at a time, so I could make sure they're separated.

4. Drizzle some sesame oil on the rice cakes before putting them in the air-fryer

5. I set my air-fryer at ~180º and fried for 4-5 minutes

6. Heat the small pot with the sauce at LOW and stir constantly until the sauce is heated

7. Once the rice cakes are done frying (slightly crispy when you tap lightly), take them out and put it into the sauce pot

8. Make sure the rice cakes are covered evenly with sauce before putting them on a skewer - I didn't have skewers so I used a chopstick... just serving them on a plate and eating with a toothpick/fork is fine too!

9. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and you're done!

10. Enjoy the yummy food heheh

Let me know if you have any questions!

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