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  • Writer's pictureexperimentalchef

Roasted Cauliflower

Random fact of the day: I LOVEE cauliflower... it's like my super food haha

I was having a nice long weekend aka sleeping in until after 12pm... and when I woke up, I was informed that I was in charge of all the veggies for our Thanksgiving dinner. So of course, cauliflower had to be on the menu! Recipe adapted from here - if you've never worked with cauliflower, they have a super useful video on how to core and cut it.

Finished product!

Time: ~5-10 mins prep + 25 mins cook (I watched TV while prepping , so you can probably do it a bit faster)

Servings: ~4 (this serving estimate is as a side dish, if you're dieting or something and want to just eat cauliflower 1 person can probably eat the whole thing alone)


- 1 head of cauliflower

- 3 cloves of minced garlic (slightly more or less wouldn't really matter - up to you!)

- lemon juice (sorry a very rough estimate: ~half a hand-squeezed lemon or less)

- olive oil

- salt and pepper

- cayenne pepper (optional for a lil kick if you like spicyy)


1. Preheat oven to 400°C

2. Cut up the cauliflower into the little florets (Simply Recipes teaches you how)

Quartered cauliflower about to be cored!

3. Mix in garlic, lemon juice, and enough olive oil that everything is lightly coated

4. Drizzle a little olive oil on your baking sheet (I covered up my baking sheet with aluminium foil for easier cleanup after and spread the olive oil with a piece of cauliflower)

5. Spread out the florets on the tray and sprinkle salt and pepper (cayenne if you like) all over (salt and pepper VERY generously)

6. Place in oven and bake for ~25 mins until the tops are lightly brown

7. There's some fork test you can use (Google it), but I usually just taste test for done-ness and flavour - bake longer if you need to and season more if you need to

10. Enjoy the yummy food heheh - here's a sneakpeak at our little Thanksgiving meal

Props to my mom for taking a full day to cook this beautiful turkey!

As always, let me know if you have any questions!

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